Broadband Service Analyzer
Setting Up the
STM-1 Electrical
Interface Pod
Guide to the HP E5200A Broadband Service Analyzer Documentation ........ iv
About the STM-1 Electrical Interface Pod.......................................................
Online Help ........................................................................................................
To Access User Online Help.........................................................................
Front Panel at a Glance ....................................................................................
To Set Up the Interface Pod ............................................................................
To Insert the Interface Pod..........................................................................
To Remove the Interface Pod ......................................................................
To Connect to the System Under Test .......................................................
Automatic Configuration Parameters..........................................................
To Manually Configure the Interface Pod ..................................................
What to Do Next................................................................................................ 10
Standards and Specifications ........................................................................... 11
Communications Standards ........................................................................ 11
Input and Output Specifications.................................................................. 12
Physical Specifications ................................................................................ 13
Environmental Specifications ...................................................................... 13
Error Generation Specifications .................................................................. 13
Guide to the HP E5200A Broadband Service Analyzer Documentation
Guide to the HP E5200A Broadband Service
Analyzer Documentation
The HP E5200A Broadband Service Analyzer comes with a comprehensive set
of paper and online documentation. Use the following table to determine
which documents you should use.
What is it?
What does it do?
Who is it for?
User’s Guide
contains instructions on how to set all users
up and install the analyzer
provides an outline of the most
common functions
describes the online help
provides an outline of the most
common system administration
lists electrical, mechanical, and
environmental specifications
Online Help
three volumes–User, Macro, and UPE all users
Compatibility–contain information
about, and instructions for using, the
Quick Reference provides a quick overview of the
analyzer's main features and functions
all users
Setting Up the
Interface Pod
a series of guides that provide
descriptions of, and instructions for
installing, individual interface pods
all users will refer
to at least one of
these guides
Support card
provides information about support,
service, and warranty
all users
all users
Release Notice provides information not available
when this guide was printed
About the STM-1 Electrical Interface Pod
About the STM-1 Electrical Interface Pod
The HP E5123A STM-1 Electrical Interface Pod is a self-contained, plug-in
module. You use it in conjunction with the HP E5200A Broadband Service
Analyzer to test and analyze a system under test (SUT).
In the transmit direction, the interface pod
automatically calculates and inserts Section/Regenerator Section BIP,
Line/Multiplexer Section BIP, and Path BIP
maps the ATM cells into the Virtual Container (VC)
automatically generates the framing pattern
In the receive direction, the interface pod
uses the A1 A2 framing pattern to frame align the electrical signal
applies frame descrambling
carries out pointer processing to align to the VC
detects line errors using the Section/Regenerator Section BIP,
Line/Multiplexer Section BIP, and Path BIP
extracts ATM cells and passes them to the measurement system
Hot swap and
Use the “hot swap” feature to insert and remove the interface pod while
the analyzer’s power is switched on. The analyzer automatically detects
the insertion of the interface pod and configures itself accordingly.
Immediately after you connect the interface pod to the SUT, the analyzer
automatically configures the receive and transmit parameters according to
the signal it receives.
Operating modes
The interface pod has four operating modes: full-duplex, transmit
loopback, receive loopback, and regenerator.
The interface pod is shipped with
a Calibration Certificate
this set up guide
The HP E5123A STM-1 Electrical Interface Pod requires an E5200A base
unit with Application Version number A.01.2 or greater.
Online Help
Online Help
The User Online Help provides all the information you need to use the
analyzer. Use the following sections to learn how to perform tasks:
Getting started
Running tests
System administration
Use the Reference section to find information about framing formats,
alarms, errors, and measurements.
To Access User Online Help
There are four ways to access information in the User Online Help.
Click the Help button that appears on most screens and windows to
display information about that screen or window.
From the main screen Help menu, select User to display the User Contents
Press F1. If the cursor is in an input field, you see help for that field;
otherwise you see the User Help Contents screen.
Press Shift+F1, or from the main screen Help menu, select Help on Item,
to change the mouse pointer into a question mark (?). Move the question
mark around the screen and place on the item for which you want help;
then click the mouse. Use this option to get help on non-input fields.
Front Panel at a Glance
Front Panel at a Glance
(green LED) Lights each time the interface pod is accessed by the
(yellow LED) Lights when a valid signal is present at the input connector.
(BNC) Accepts an electrical signal from the SUT.
(BNC) Provides a signal to the SUT.
To Set Up the Interface Pod
To Set Up the Interface Pod
Handle the interface pod with care to avoid electrostatic discharge (ESD)
damage during unpacking, installation, and operation. The connectors on
the front and rear of the interface pod are susceptible to ESD.
Insert the interface pod into the analyzer.
See “To Insert the Interface Pod” on page 5. The procedure is the same for
all interface pods.
Connect the interface pod to the SUT.
See “To Connect to the System Under Test” on page 6. The analyzer
automatically recognizes and configures the interface pod.
If you want to change any of the configuration parameters, see “To
Manually Configure the Interface Pod” on page 9.
To Set Up the Interface Pod
To Insert the Interface Pod
You can insert and remove interface pods at any time, even when the
analyzer is powered on. Initially, you insert an interface pod when you set
up the analyzer. Subsequently, you insert an interface pod when you
change the physical layer interface that you want to monitor.
Hold the interface pod with the front panel connectors facing you and
the Hewlett-Packard logo facing upwards.
Insert the interface pod into Port 1 or Port 2 of the analyzer.
Push the interface pod firmly into the analyzer until the connector at
the rear is properly seated. The clip on the base of the interface pod
clicks into place when the interface pod is fully inserted.
You must always have two interface pods inserted in the the HP E5200A
Broadband Service Analyzer while it is operating. If your operations
require only a single interface pod, insert the blank interface pod
(provided with the analyzer) into the other port. The two interface pods
are necessary to maintain a balanced airflow for cooling of internal
components and to comply with EMC standards.
To Set Up the Interface Pod
To Remove the Interface Pod
Gently press on the clip
underneath the
interface pod and pull
the interface pod out of
the analyzer.
When you remove the interface pod, make sure you store it in a dust free
location that meets the environmental requirements listed in
“Environmental Specifications” on page 13. An electrostatic-safe bag has
been supplied for the storage of each interface pod.
To Connect to the System Under Test
Obtain a pair of 75 Ω coaxial cables with BNC connectors. Before you
connect the interface pod to the system under test (SUT), ensure that you
connected the HP E5200A Broadband Service Analyzer to the
controlling computer (workstation or notebook PC)
inserted the HP E5123A STM-1 Electrical Interface Pod
Connect the cables to the BNC connectors on the front of the interface
pod and to the equipment or link that you want to test. For example, you
might want to test a network element (for example, switch, service
gateway), service access equipment (for example, a multiplexer, router, or
PAD), or transmission link.
To Set Up the Interface Pod
Receive (Rx)
Transmit (Tx)
Common system connections and test connections are
non-intrusive system connection—T-piece and passive test
intrusive system connection—network element, remote loopback, and
in-line test connections
diagnostic system connection—transmit loopback and external
loopback test connections
See the HP E5200A Broadband Service Analyzer User’s Guide or the
User Online Help for details about these system connections.
The analyzer automatically sets the interface pod transmit and receive
parameters and configures according to the signal it receives from the
interface pod. See “Automatic Configuration Parameters” on page 8 for
more details.
If you “hot swap” the interface pod while you are logged in to the analyzer,
the screen displays the message
Auto configuring, please wait...
Automatically configuring physical interfaces and
protocols according to the monitored signal.
To Set Up the Interface Pod
Automatic Configuration Parameters
After you insert the interface pod and connect it to the SUT, the analyzer
automatically configures to the STM-1 electrical signal.
The analyzer sets the remaining physical layer receive and transmit
parameters to the following defaults:
reference (internal) clock
20 dB input gain off
full duplex
See also
User Online Help contains information about the ATM layer automatic
configuration parameters.
To Set Up the Interface Pod
To Manually Configure the Interface Pod
From the Configure
menu, select the
appropriate port;
then select Set Up.
Click to set the
Click the STM-1 tab.
Click Auto to set the
parameters to the default
settings. A message
warns you that the
Select the parameters
you require.
reconfiguration will cause
some measurements and
data to be lost and asks if
you want to continue.
Click OK.
Note When the configuration is complete, the analyzer updates all relevant screens and
windows to reflect the new configuration parameters.
What to Do Next
What to Do Next
The interface pod is now ready for use.
See the User Online Help to find out the different tasks you can perform
using the analyzer and interface pod.
Standards and Specifications
Standards and Specifications
Communications Standards
ITU-T G.703
ITU-T G.708
ITU-T G.709
ITU-T I.432
ITU-T G.825
Physical/Electrical Characteristics of Hierarchical Digital Interfaces
Network Node Interface for the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
Synchronous Multiplexing Structure
B-ISDN User-Network Interface—Physical Layer Specifications
The control of jitter and wander within digital networks which are
based on the synchronous digital hierarchy
ATM Forum UNI 3.1
ATM User-Network Interface (UNI)
Bellcore GR-253-CORE
Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) Transport Systems: Common
Generic Criteria (a module of TSGR, FR-440)
Standards and Specifications
Input and Output Specifications
Transmit Levels
Signal level
Line rate
Nominal Min.
1.0 V (pp) 0.9 V (pp) 1.1 V (pp) complies with ITU-T G.703
155.52 Mb/s –4.6 ppm +4.6 ppm using internal frequency reference
complies with ITU-T G.825 (SDH),
Bellcore GR-253-CORE, and
Line jitter
Bellcore TR-TSY-000499 (SONET)
Receive Levels
Line rate
Nominal Min.
13 dB
complies with ITU-T G.703
155.52 Mb/s –15 ppm +15 ppm
complies with ITU-T G.825 (SDH),
Bellcore GR-253-CORE, and
Jitter tolerance
Bellcore TR-TSY-000499 (SONET)
complies with ITU-T G.825 (SDH),
Bellcore GR-253-CORE, and
Jitter transfer
Bellcore TR-TSY-000499 (SONET)
Standards and Specifications
Physical Specifications
1.0 kg ( 2.2 lbs) (nominal)
Height: 44 mm (1.73 inches)
Width: 149 mm (5.87 inches)
Length: 222 mm (8.74 inches) not including front panel connectors
236 mm (9.29 inches) including front panel connectors
Environmental Specifications
Nominal Min.
5 C
45 C
with two interface pods installed
Operating Temperature
(41 F)
(113 F)
–40 C
70 C
Storage Temperature
(–40 F)
(158 F)
at 40 C (104 F)
4.6 km
(2.86 miles)
Error Generation Specifications
Nominal Min.
1 x 10
1 x 10
errors are added bit synchronously
and are accurate to 0.1% or better
Line error ratios
1 x 10
1 x 10
errors are added bit synchronously
and are accurate to 0.1% or better
FEBE ratio
for products returned to buyer from
another country, HP shall pay for return of
products to Buyer
Exclusive Remedies
Hewlett Packard Australia Ltd certifies that
this product met its published specifications
at the time of shipment from the factory.
Hewlett-Packard (HP) further certifies that warranty
its calibration measurements are traceable
to the extent allowed by the calibration
facilities of other International Standards
Organization members.
Duration and Commencement of the DIES. UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE
The hardware has a three year, return to
HP Service Centre warranty, commencing
at delivery date (type 7A).
The software and firmware has a 90 day, OTHER LEGAL THEORY.
replacement warranty commencing at
Restricted Rights Legend
delivery date (type 3C).
The hardware is warranted against defects
in materials and workmanship. If HP
receives notice of such defects during the
warranty period, HP shall, at its option,
either repair or replace hardware products defects resulting from improper or inade-
which prove to be defective.
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Gov-
ernment is subject to the restrictions as set
The foregoing warranty shall not apply to forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in
Limitation of Warranty
Technical Data and Computer Software
clause at 52.227-7-13. Hewlett-Packard
quate maintenance by Buyer, Buyer-sup-
plied products or interfacing, unauthorized Company, 3000 Hanover Street, Palo Alto,
modification or misuse, operation outside
of the environmental specifications of the
products, or improper site preparation or
HP software and firmware products that
are designated by HP for use with a hard-
ware product, when properly installed on
that hardware product are warranted not
to fail to execute their programming
instructions due to defects in materials and THE WARRANTY SET FORTH ABOVE IS
workmanship. If HP receives notice of such EXCLUSIVE AND NO OTHER WARRANTY,
defects during the warranty period, HP
shall repair or replace software media and EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. HP SPECIFI-
firmware which do not execute their pro- CALLY DISCLAIMS THE IMPLIED WARRAN-
California 94304.
Additional Information for Test and
Measurement Equipment
If test and measurement equipment is
operated with unscreened cables and/or
used for measurements on open setups,
the user has to ensure that under operating
conditions the Radio Interference Limits are
still met at the border of the user’s pre-
gramming instructions due to such defects. TIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND
HP does not warrant that the operation of FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
the software, firmware, or hardware shall
be uninterrupted or error free.
Hewlett-Packard recommends that this
equipment be recalibrated two years after
first use and at two-yearly intervals there-
after. The on-shelf period prior to first use
will not affect the calibration of this equip-
ment. Call your local HP Service Represen-
tative for more information.
If HP is unable, within a reasonable time,
to repair or replace any product to a condi-
tion as warranted, the Buyer shall be enti-
tled to a refund of the purchase price upon
return of the product to HP.
For product warranties requiring return to
HP, this product must be returned to a
service facility designated by HP. Buyer
shall prepay shipping charges to HP (and
shall pay all duties and taxes) for products
returned to HP for warranty service. Except
DO NOT operate damaged
equipment Whenever it is possible that
the safety protection features built into this
product have been impaired, either through
physical damage, excessive moisture, or
any other reason, REMOVE POWER and do
not use the product until safe operation can
be verified by service-trained personnel. If
necessary, return the product to a Hewlett-
Packard Sales and Service Office for service
and repair to ensure the safety features are
The following general safety precau-
tions must be observed during all
phases of operation, service, and
repair of this product. Failure to
comply with these precautions or
with specific warnings elsewhere in
this manual violates safety stan-
dards of design, manufacture, and
intended use of the product.
Frame or chassis ground terminal—typically
connects to the equipment’s metal frame.
Earth (ground) terminal.
Alternating current (ac).
Direct current (dc).
Hewlett-Packard Company assumes
no liability for the customer’s failure
to comply with these requirements.
DO NOT substitute parts or modify
equipment Because of the danger of
introducing additional hazards, do not
install substitute parts or perform any
unauthorized modification to the product.
Return the product to a Hewlett-Packard
Sales and Service Office for service and
repair to ensure features are maintained.
Ground the equipment For safety
Class 1 equipment (equipment having a
protective ground terminal), an uninterrupt-
ible safety ground must be provided from
the mains power source to the product
input wiring terminals or supplied power
Indicates hazardous voltages.
Calls attention to a procedure, practice, or
condition that could cause bodily injury or
DO NOT clean with fluids
Doing so may make the equipment unsafe
for use.
DO NOT operate the product in an
explosive atmosphere or in the pres-
ence of flammable gases or fumes.
For continued protection against fire,
replace the line fuse(s) only with fuse(s) of
the same voltage and current rating and
type. DO NOT use repaired fuses or short-
circuited fuse holders.
Calls attention to a procedure, practice, or
condition that could possibly cause damage
to equipment or permanent loss of data.
Safety Symbols
Indicates that antistatic precautions should
be taken.
Instruction manual symbol affixed to prod-
uct. Indicates that the user must refer to
the manual for specific Warning or Caution
information to avoid personal injury, or
damage to the product.
Keep away from live
circuits Operating personnel must not
remove equipment covers or shields. Proce-
dures involving the removal of covers and
shields are for use by service-trained per-
sonnel only. Under certain conditions, dan-
gerous voltages may exist even with the
equipment switched off. To avoid electrical
shock, DO NOT perform procedures involv-
ing cover or shield removal unless you are
qualified to do so.
Protective conductor terminal indicates the
field wiring terminal that must be con-
nected to ground before operating the
equipment—protects against electrical
shock in case of fault.
Service et ajustement
Cet appareil répond aux normes de la
“Classe de sécurité 1” et est muni d’un fil
de mise à la terre pour votre protection.
Des “tensions dangereuses” résident dans
cet appareil. Par conséquent, le service et
l’ajustement doivent être effectué unique-
ment par une personne qualifiée.
Le conducteur protectif indique que la prise
de terre doit être connectèe avant d’utiliser
l’equipment—protège contre le choc elec-
trique en cas de faute.
Pour prévenir les risques de choc élec-
trique, la broche de mise à la terre du
cordon d’alimentation ne doit pas être dés- le cordon d’alimentation est sous tension. Il
Ne remplacez pas de composantes lorsque
pourrait y avoir présence de “tension dan-
gereuses” même lorsque l’appareil est
Borne de terre
Restrictions d’utilisation
L’utilisateur se doit d’observer les mesures
de précaution énumérerais-dessous pour
toutes les phases d’utilisation, de service et Une manipulation brusque, ou le fait de
de réparation de cet appareil. Le fait de ne secouer l’appareil, peut provoquer le bris du
pas s’y conformer équivaut à ne pas
respecter les mises en gardes spécifiques
contenues dans ce manuel et constitue une vélocité d’éclats de verre. Le retrait ou
violation des normes de sécurité relatives à l’installation du tube cathodique ne doit
la conception, la fabrication et l’utilisation être exécuté que par un technicien qualifié,
prévue de cet appareil. La société Hewlett- portant un masque et des gants de sécurité
Packard n’assume aucune responsabilité
envers un client qui manquerait de se con-
former à ces exigences.
Manipulation du tube cathodique
Borne de masse, châssis
tube cathodique. L’implosion qui s’en suiv-
rait entraînerait la dispersion à grande
Courant alternatif
Courant continu
Risque de choc electriques
Service non autorisé
L’installation de pièces étrangères, ou tous
modification apportée à l’appareil sans le
Attire l’attention sur une procédure, une
pratique, ou des conditions qui peuvent
entraîner des blessures corporelles ou la
Mise à la terre
Afin de minimiser les risques de choc élec- consentement de Hewlett-Packard est
trique, le châssis et le cabinet de l’appareil formellement interdit. Le fait de procéder à
doivent être mis à la terre. L’appareil est
équipé d’un cordon d’alimentation muni
d’une fiche homologuée à trois lames, com- tie de l’appareil ou de tout contrat de ser-
patible c.a. La prise murale et la prise
femelle de la rallonge électrique doivent
respecter les normes de sécurité de la
“Commission Électrotechnique Internation-
ale” (IEC).
de tels modifications sans autorisation
pourrait entraîner l’annulation de la garan-
Attire l’attention sur une procédure, une
pratique, ou des conditions qui peuvent
endommager l’équipement.
Pour un service et des réparations
autorisées, retournez l’appareil à un point
de vente et service Hewlett-Packard.
Symboles des sécurité
Signale que des précautions antistatique
doivent étre prises.
Ne faites pas fonctionner cet appareil en
présence de gaz inflammables ou de
vapeurs dangereuses. L’utilisation de
n’importe quel appareil électrique dans ces
conditions constitue un risque élevé pour
votre sécurité.
Attention (voir documents d’accompagne-
top margin for modules
AccordinbgotdoyISteOx/tIEdCroGpuide 22 and EN 45014
Manufacturer’s Name
Hewlett Packard Australia Ltd
Manufacturer’s Address
Australian Telecom Operation
347 Burwood Highway
Burwood East 3151
Victoria, Australia
declares that the product:
Product Name
Model Numbers
Product Options
STM-1 Electrical Interface Pod
HP E5123A
This declaration covers all options of the above product.
conforms to the following product specifications:
EN 61010-1: 1993/IEC 1010-1: 1990 + A1
EN 55011:1991/CISPR 11:1990 (Group 1, Class A )
EN 50082-1:1992
IEC 801-2:1991
IEC 801-3:1984
IEC 801-4:1988
4 kV CD, 8 kV AD
3 V/m
0.5 kV Signal Lines, 1 kV Power Lines
Supplementary Information
This product herewith complies with the requirements of the Low Voltage
Directive 73/23/EEC and the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC.
The product meets the listed specifications when installed in an HP
E5200A with interface pods installed in both ports.
Bit error performance will be reduced under these conditions.
Melbourne, Australia, July 1996 Issue 1
Graeme Cobb - Quality Manager
European Contact: Your local Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office or Hewlett-Packard GmbH, Department ZQ/
Standards Europe, Herrenberger Straße 130, D-71034 Böblingen, Germany (FAX +49-7031-14-3143).
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