HP Hewlett Packard Computer Hardware XW User Manual

Familiarization Guide  
HP Vectra XW PC Workstation Family  
HP Vectra XW  
This guide is for experienced technicians who have already  
completed the HP Vectra computer family training course.  
In particular, it assumes that the reader is already familiar  
with the HP Vectra XU 6/xxx PC, upon which the  
HP Vectra XW PC Workstations are based.  
This document serves as a self-paced training guide,  
designed to train you for repair of the computer, and only  
contains repair-specific information. For information on the  
installation of accessories, see the User’s Guide and the  
online documents that are supplied with the computer.  
New Features and Overview  
New Features and Overview  
The HP Vectra XW PC Workstations are based upon the HP Vectra XU 6/  
xxx PC. The main new features are:  
3D Graphics  
Controller Board  
all models  
HP Integrated OpenGL Interface Board installed in a PCI  
accessory slot. This can be an AccelGraphics AccelPro or  
AccelEclipse, depending on model (see the table below).  
16 CD-ROM Drive some models See the table below.  
Windows NT 4.0 WS preloaded on See the table below.  
Operating System  
some models  
Family Overview  
Graphics Controller  
CPL Board installed in a PCI  
Accessory Slot  
Version of the  
Windows NT  
Operating System  
HP Vectra XW  
10/96 AccelPro  
3.51 WS on CD-ROM 8 IDE  
HP Vectra XW Series U1 5/97  
HP Vectra XW Series W1 5/97  
4.0 WS preloaded  
4.0 WS preloaded  
16 IDE  
16 IDE  
External Features  
External Features  
Connector for the 3-button mouse  
The top line, on the label on the  
right hand side panel, gives the  
number of processors installed,  
the processor speed and the  
series number.  
Model XW 6/2x200 Series W1  
Prod: D5210N #ABA  
S/N: FR63412345  
Wty: WBK@  
Sup: SAB@  
HP PCI Integrated 10/100 BT  
Interface RJ-45 connector  
Display connector on AccelGraph-  
ics 3D graphics board  
System Board Connectors and Switches  
The same system board is used on each member of the HP Vectra XW PC  
Workstation family as was used on the HP Vectra XU 6/xxx PC.  
HP Integrated OpenGL Interface Board  
HP Integrated OpenGL Interface Board  
OpenGL is a graphics language for describing three-dimensional objects.  
The HP Integrated OpenGL Interface board has a processor that executes  
OpenGL 3D graphics instructions autonomously of the main processor.  
installed on the  
HP Vectra XW 6/xxx  
HP Vectra XW 6/xxx  
Series U1  
H3 H5 H1  
.H..0 H4 H6  
... ......  
Glint 500 TX  
Avance Logic  
DRAM -local buffer- memory  
chips on and under daughter board  
make total of 8MB  
VRAM -frame buffer- memory  
chips on front and back  
make total of 8MB  
H0 EPROM Address  
Default Setting  
H1 Local Buffer Visible Region  
H2 Frame Buffer Visible Region  
H3 Local Buffer Width  
H4 Local Buffer Width  
H5 Local Buffer visible Region  
H6 Local Buffer visible Region  
2-3 (8 MB)  
2-3 (8 MB)  
2-3 (8 MB)  
1-2 (enable)  
All jumper settings  
are factory-set to the  
default setting, and must  
NOT be changed.  
H7 on-board VGA enable/disable  
* Neither the frame buffer nor the local buffer can be upgraded  
installed on the  
HP Vectra XW 6/xxx  
Series W1  
PCI bus connector  
Cooling fan  
Daughter board  
• The graphics controllers cannot be upgraded or reconfigured by the user,  
or by HP personnel.  
• Changes to the configuration are not supported. Make sure that the  
jumpers and daughter board are configured as set by the manufacturer.  
OpenGL Drivers  
OpenGL Drivers  
Every operating system and applications program needs specific drivers.  
Without these, the HP Integrated OpenGL Interface Board operates only in  
standard VGA mode, and hardware 3D acceleration will not be usable.  
Operating System and Drivers  
HP Vectra XW 6/xxx  
The OpenGL interface drivers for Windows NT 3.51 must be installed, from the HP Vectra XW/XU Drivers and  
Documentation CD-ROM, when the operating system is installed.  
HP Vectra XW 6/xxx Series U1 The Windows NT 4.0 WS operating system is preloaded, and the OpenGL drivers are preloaded with it.  
HP Vectra XW 6/xxx Series W1  
Online Help and Online Online help for installing and configuring the drivers is found by running  
\opengl\doc\hpopengl.hpon the HP Vectra XW/XU Drivers and  
Documentation CD-ROM, or from the hard disk on models in which the  
operating system is preloaded.  
There is no specific diagnostic tool. However, for the HP Vectra XW 6/xxx  
and HP Vectra XW 6/xxx Series U1, the configuration can be checked on  
the AccelPanel. This is recommended as the first step in any trouble-  
shooting. This panel is normally placed in the AccelGraphics Group, though  
the user may have chosen to install it somewhere else.  
OpenGL Drivers  
For the HP Vectra XW Series W1, the configuration can be checked on the  
NT display properties menu.  
Installing Dual Processors  
Installing Dual Processors  
• When installing a second processor, in models that are supplied with a  
single processor, make sure that it is of the same type as the first.  
• The processors are bound to be of the same speed since HP only offers  
200 MHz Pentium Pro processors for use in these models.  
• HP does not support models in which the user has installed non-HP  
processor kits.  
These configurations are  
correct. A second processor  
Pentium Pro  
200 MHz  
256 KB L2 cache  
Pentium Pro  
200 MHz  
512 KB L2 cache  
has been fitted, of the same  
speed and cache memory  
capacity as the first.  
Pentium Pro  
200 MHz  
Pentium Pro  
200 MHz  
256 KB L2 cache  
512 KB L2 cache  
These configurations are  
wrong. A second processor  
has been fitted, with a  
different cache memory  
capacity than the first.  
Pentium Pro  
200 MHz  
256 KB L2 cache  
Pentium Pro  
200 MHz  
512 KB L2 cache  
These configurations will  
work, but the performance  
gain is not optimal.  
Pentium Pro  
200 MHz  
Pentium Pro  
200 MHz  
512 KB L2 cache  
256 KB L2 cache  
Installing Main Memory Modules  
Installing Main Memory Modules  
• The four memory banks (A, B, C, D) may be filled in any order (with the  
exception that Bank A must always be filled).  
• Memory can be upgraded in increments of 32 MB, 64 MB or 128 MB (by  
installing pairs of 16 MB, 32 MB or 64 MB modules).  
• Always install a pair of identical modules.  
• HP does not support models in which the user has installed non-HP  
memory modules.  
Initial Configuration  
Example Upgrade Paths  
Models that are supplied with 64 MB of  
main memory have a pair of 32 MB, 60 ns,  
fast page mode (FPM), 72-bit, error  
correcting code (ECC) memory modules.  
This can be extended to 448 MB by installing  
a further three pairs of 64 MB memory  
This can be further extended to 512 MB by  
removing the original pair of modules, and  
replacing the with a pair of 64 MB modules.  
Models that are supplied with 128 MB of  
main memory have two pairs of 32 MB,  
60 ns, fast page mode (FPM), 72-bit, error  
correcting code (ECC) memory modules.  
This can be extended to 384 MB by installing  
a further two pairs of 64 MB memory  
This can be further extended to 512 MB by  
removing the original pairs of modules, and  
replacing the with two pairs of 64 MB  
Installing Main Memory Modules  
Initial Configuration  
Example Upgrade Paths  
Banks may be filled in any order.  
Any banks which are occupied must always  
be filled with a pair of modules of  
identical capacity, type and speed.  
Different banks can be occupied by different  
capacities of modules, such as a pair of  
64 MB modules, a pair of 16 MB modules,  
an empty bank, and a bank of 32 MB  
Complete the Questionnaire to Check Your Understanding  
Complete the Questionnaire to Check Your Understanding  
Draw a circle around each letter that corresponds with a correct answer.  
(There may be more than one correct answer to each question).  
1 The following single-processor computer, supplied with a 2 GB hard disk,  
has had components added by the user, and now no longer works. Which  
of the following could be the source of its failure to operate properly?  
a It has been fitted with a second Pentium Pro processor that was not  
ordered from HP.  
b There is a pair of 16 MB non-ECC memory modules in B1 and B2.  
c There is a 32 MB ECC memory module in memory socket D1, but  
socket D2 is empty.  
d Memory sockets C1 and C2 are empty.  
e There is a pair of non-HP memory modules in bank A.  
An 850 MB IDE hard disk drive has been fitted in the lowest front-ac-  
cess shelf, and has been connected to the spare grey IDE socket.  
g A coax-socket network-board has been installed as a PCI accessory.  
2 What does the user need to do before running an OpenGL graphics  
a Nothing, the appropriate drivers are integrated in the Windows NT WS  
operating system.  
b The specific drivers must be installed, manually, from the HP Drivers  
c Either (a) or (b), depending on which operating system is being run.  
3 How do you extend the memory capacity to 512 MB of a model that is  
supplied with 64 MB of main memory?  
a It cannot be extended to 512 MB. Only to 256 MB (=4 banks 64 MB).  
b It cannot be extended to 512 MB. Only to 448 MB (=3 banks 128 MB  
plus the original bank of 64 MB).  
c The original bank of 64 MB can be removed, leaving room for 512 MB  
(= 4 banks 128 MB).  
Complete the Questionnaire to Check Your Understanding  
4 The D5200N is an HP Vectra XW 6/xxx Series W1 PC Workstation with  
a single 200 MHz Pentium Pro processor containing 256 KB of level-2  
cache memory. What opportunities are available for upgrading the  
processing capability of this computer?  
a Installing a second 200 MHz, 256 KB, Pentium Pro processor.  
b Installing a second 200 MHz Pentium Pro processor, but with 512 KB  
of level-2 cache memory.  
c Installing a second 256 KB, Pentium Pro processor, but working at  
266 MHz.  
d Replacing the present processor by a faster one.  
e Replacing the present processor by one with 512 KB of level-2 cache  
Removing the present processor to install two identical faster ones.  
g Removing the present processor to install two identical ones with  
512 KB of level-2 cache memory.  
5 The client complains that his graphics controller is faulty, but cannot  
remember whether it is an AccelPro or AccelEclipse board. How do you  
know which board to take along to the site?  
a You ask the client the date of purchase of the computer, and check this  
against the CPL dates for the various members of the family.  
b You ask the client describe the layout of the display connectors on the  
back of the computer.  
c You ask the client to open the computer, and to describe the appear-  
ance of the graphics controller board.  
d You ask the client to restart the computer, and to press  
whilst the  
Vectra logo is being displayed, so as to read off the name of the graph-  
ics controller from the Summary Screen.  
e You ask the client to read off the name of the graphics controller from  
the Display/Setting/AdvancedPropertiesmenu.  
You ask the client to read you back the model name from the label on  
the side of the computer.  
g You ask the client to read you back the model number from the label  
on the back of the computer.  
Answers and Explanations  
Answers and Explanations  
1 What could be the source of the computer’s failure to operate properly?  
It has been fitted with a second Pentium Pro processor that was not  
ordered from HP. Non-HP parts are not supported.  
There is a 32 MB ECC memory module in memory socket D1, but  
socket D2 is empty. Memory banks can be filled in any order, but always  
with pairs of identical modules.  
e There is a pair of memory modules in bank A that was not ordered  
from HP. Non-HP parts are not supported.  
With the system configured according to response (b), the computer will  
work, but ECC will be disabled.  
2 What does the user need to do before running an OpenGL graphics  
Either (a) or (b), depending on which operating system is being run.  
Response (a) is correct for the Windows NT 4.0 WS operating system.  
Response (b) is the only correct one if the Windows NT 3.51 WS  
operating system has been supplied. Online help is available by running  
3 How do you extend the memory capacity to 512 MB of a model that is  
supplied with 64 MB of main memory?  
The original bank of 64 MB can be removed, leaving room for 512 MB  
(= 4 banks 128 MB).  
The original 64 MB memory is of type “interleave 16”, and the 128 MB  
kits are of type “interleave 64”. These two types are completely  
compatible, and can be mixed, or used in replacement of each other.  
4 What opportunities are available for upgrading the processing capability  
of this computer?  
Installing a second 200 MHz, 256 KB, Pentium Pro processor.  
Installing a second processor that is identical to the first is the only type  
of upgrade that is supported by HP.  
Answers and Explanations  
5 How do you know which board to take along to the site?  
You ask the client to read you back the model name from the label on  
the side of the computer.  
You ask the client to read you back the model number from the label  
on the back of the computer.  
Response (f) is the preferable one, and indeed this label was designed for  
precisely this purpose. It is not always convenient for the client to access  
the label on the back of the computer.  
Although it is possible for the client to have swapped covers between  
computers in similar packages (HP Vectra XW/XU/VT 6/xxx, Series U1/  
W1/none), this is not supported by HP. The label on the side should be a  
reliable source of information describing the computer.  
Response (c) is possible in a last resort, but is prone to error, and  
involves undesirable effort on the client’s part.  
Answers and Explanations  
Paper not bleached with chlorine.  
Manual Part Number D5200-90901  
Printed in France - 05/97  

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