Clickfree Wireless Backup
User Guide
for Microsoft Windows users
Clickfree Wireless Backup (Windows)
Introducing the Clickfree Wireless
INTRODUCING THE CLICKFREE WIRELESS......................................................... 4
How it works............................................................................................................................................. 4
Definitions ................................................................................................................................................ 5
What gets backed up? ............................................................................................................................. 5
Features................................................................................................................................................... 6
What do I need before I start? ................................................................................................................. 6
BACKING UP .................................................................................................. 7
Backing up a computer the first time........................................................................................................ 7
Using the BackupLink utility................................................................................................................... 10
RESTORING CONTENT................................................................................... 11
What gets restored, and to where?........................................................................................................ 11
Restoring content................................................................................................................................... 11
How do I find files that were restored?................................................................................................... 13
My program cannot find the restored files – what should I do? ......................................................... 13
How do I undo a restore?....................................................................................................................... 13
VIEWING BACKED UP FILES .......................................................................... 15
Browsing or searching for files, or viewing photos................................................................................. 15
How do I search for a file on my backup?.............................................................................................. 15
What can I do with the files on my backup?........................................................................................... 16
How do I view and use photos?............................................................................................................. 16
Copyright © 2010 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree Wireless Backup (Windows)
Introducing the Clickfree Wireless
Introducing the Clickfree Wireless
Clickfree Wireless backup drive is the easiest way to protect the data on all the PC and Mac
computers connected to your wireless router, with no effort at all, by automatically
searching for and backing up onto its built-in hard disk all the content stored on these
computers. No hardware configuration or software installation is required. It can backup
files on any combination of Windows and Mac computers that are on the same network.
Wireless backup, which is the capability to backup a computer’s files via wireless means
(such as through a home router) onto a backup drive that is not physically connected, is a
significant improvement over all existing backup products. The wireless backup drive can
be stored anywhere within the wireless network, including out of sight of the backed up
drive in a secure location, as well as being able to back up numerous computers within the
wireless network.
BackupLink is the software that resides on your computer that allows the Clickfree Wireless
to wirelessly backup all the files on your computer. Each computer on your network that
will be backed up must have BackupLink installed.
The first time you connect a Clickfree Wireless backup drive to your computer it searches for
and backs up all of your important content, configures itself to the wireless network (if any)
of the computer it is connected to and installs the BackupLink utility which you can access
from your system tray (in the bottom right corner of your screen), a desktop icon, or your
Start menu. The Clickfree Wireless can be attached to any number of computers on the
network to allow them to also be backed up.
When Clickfree has finished installing BackupLink and backing up each computer, to enjoy
the freedom of automatic, wireless backups of every wireless-enabled computer in the
network, just disconnect Clickfree Wireless from all computers and attach it to a power
outlet somewhere within the range of the wireless network. To keep the computers on the
network backed up, just set the automatic scheduler for your preferred day and time and it
will automatically runError! Reference source not found.. For instantaneous backup, just
run Clickfree from the icon on the desktop or system tray, and it will look for the Clickfree
Wireless over the network.
Error! Reference source not found.DEFINITIONS
Copyright © 2010 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree Wireless Backup (Windows)
Introducing the Clickfree Wireless
Backup and Restore
A backup is a copy of data on your computer. Backups can be used to restore data after loss
of or damage to your computer’s hard disk, to restore files that have been accidentally
deleted or corrupted, or to move or copy data from one computer to another.
Making a backup of your content only copies it from your computer to your Clickfree
Wireless, and does not delete it from the computer’s hard disk. Similarly, when you restore
content, it only copies it from your Clickfree Wireless to your computer, and does not delete
it from the Clickfree Wireless.
A backup is meant to be a second copy of your computer data,
NOT the only copy of your data.
Normally you don’t use Clickfree to back up your programs or operating system, only the
data that you have created, such as music, photos, letters, emails, tax information etc. In this
guide we refer to this data as content.
When it runs automatically, Clickfree searches your computer for over 500 types of files:
Photos – including common graphic formats such as JPEG and RAW
Music – including CD audio, MP3, MIDI
Emails – including Thunderbird, Eudora, and those from Microsoft Office
Text Documents – e.g. from Microsoft Word, Open Office, and WordPerfect
Spreadsheets – e.g. Microsoft Excel, Open Office, and Lotus 123
Presentations – e.g. Microsoft Powerpoint and Corel Show
Artwork and Drawings – such as Corel Draw, Visio and Paintshop images
Video – e.g. AVI, MPEG, Shockwave Flash
Favorite Websites – internet shortcuts and address books
Other – including zip and RAR files, XML, and CSV files
Financial – such as those from QuickBooks and tax programs
The first time you back up your computer, usually when you physically connect the
Clickfree Wireless to the computer via the USB cable, Clickfree Wireless backs up all of the
content it finds, which might take several hours, depending on how much content you need
to back up. Each time you use Clickfree after that, it only backs up the new or changed
content, so it will be much quicker. Any files that were deleted from your computer since the
last backup are not deleted from the Clickfree Wireless.
Clickfree does not back up programs or the operating system.
Customizable backup options for custom file types and full folder backup; remembers
Copyright © 2010 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree Wireless Backup (Windows)
Introducing the Clickfree Wireless
your customized settings for each computer you use it with
Multi-computer backup -- can hold the backups for as many computers as you like,
limited only by the available space on the Clickfree Wireless
Easily restore to same or other computer -- a great way to move your content from your
old computer to your new one
Can undo a restore, in case you accidentally overwrote a file you need to keep
Photo Viewer -- conveniently view backed-up photos in thumbnail and expanded view
Import music -- easily import music from your iPod to your computer and to iTunes
Your computer must be running one of these operating systems:
Microsoft Windows 7 (any editions)
Microsoft Windows Vista (any editions)
Microsoft Windows XP (any editions)
Mac OSX 10.5 running Leopard on an Intel processor
In addition you need:
One free USB port on your computer
At least 100 MB of free space on your computer
Wireless router (for wireless backups)
Wireless functionality enabled in the computers to be backed up wirelessly (not
necessary for computers that are wired directly to the router)
All computers that you want to backup wirelessly onto the Clickfree Wireless must be
connected on the same wireless network.
Copyright © 2010 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree Wireless Backup (Windows)
Backing Up
Backing Up
If you have not yet backed up a computer onto the Clickfree Wireless, follow the
instructions below.
If you have previously backed up a computer onto the Clickfree Wireless, use the
BackupLink utility – see page 10.
1. Make sure that your computer is switched on and has finished starting up.
2. Connect the USB cable on the Clickfree Wireless to a USB port on your computer. DO
NOT connect the Clickfree Wireless power cable to a power outlet.
3. When Clickfree starts to run, a Welcome window appears and shows the number of
seconds left before the backup starts automatically. You can pause this countdown or
click Start to begin immediately:
Unless you stop the countdown by clicking a button, at the end of the countdown period
Clickfree starts the backup.
If you want to let Clickfree decide what needs to be backed up from where, you don’t
need to do anything further. For details, see “What gets backed up?” on page 5.
If you want to make changes to how backup is done, click Do More and then
Options and see “Error! Reference source not found.” on page Error! Bookmark
not defined..
Copyright © 2010 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree Wireless Backup (Windows)
Backing Up
4. During the backup, Clickfree displays a progress window.
5. When the backup is complete, a window tells you how many files were backed up and
confirms your wireless setup.
When you back up the first computer, Clickfree extracts information about your
wireless network so that it can become part of the wireless network. If it could not
complete the wireless setup, you will be prompted to configure it manually or to
troubleshoot the problem.
The backup will run at a specific time from that point onwards. However, if you want to
change this, select a different period, or clear the check box to turn off automatic backup
entirely. [[No longer. To change it click “[Change]” which opens a new dialog]]
Otherwise, simply click Close and disconnect the Clickfree Wireless from the computer’s
USB port. To disconnect the Clickfree Wireless from a computer, right-click on the
Clickfree icon in your system tray and choose Eject Clickfree.
A pop-up window will appear to remind you to disconnect Clickfree Wireless from your
computer and to plug it into a power outlet.
6. To back up another computer on the same network, connect the built-in USB cable on
the Clickfree Wireless to a USB port on the next computer you want to back up. Once
complete, disconnect the Clickfree Wireless from the computer and repeat for all other
computers you want to back up.
7. Disconnect the Clickfree Wireless from the computer and plug in the power adapter to a
power outlet. Clickfree is now ready to wirelessly and automatically backup every
computer on the wireless network.
Clickfree must be plugged ONLY into a power outlet (and not into any computer) in
order to perform wireless backups.
Copyright © 2010 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree Wireless Backup (Windows)
Backing Up
If you unplug the Clickfree Wireless before the backup is complete (and therefore the
Clickfree Wireless may not have learned the settings of your wireless router), you
must repeat the procedure as if it were the first time Clickfree is installed.
Copyright © 2010 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree Wireless Backup (Windows)
Backing Up
After the first backup on a computer, the Clickfree BackupLink utility, which allows the
Clickfree Wireless to learn your wireless router settings, is installed on the computer. You
will see an icon on your desktop and in the system tray (bottom right corner of your screen).
We will reference this icon throughout this manual. [[Not called Clickfree BackupLink
anymore. The icon is Clickfree Wireless. I’d suggest avoiding BackupLink completely]]
Double-click the icon on the desktop (or click once on the icon in the system tray)[[Can also
be launched from the start menu]]. The Welcome window shows the status of your
computer, other computers that have been backed up onto the same Clickfree Wireless, and
the space used on the Clickfree Wireless.:
To backup your computer immediately, click Backup beside your computer. (If you want to
start a backup on any of the other computers, click More Info and then click Backup Now
beside the computer name).
Copyright © 2010 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree Wireless Backup (Windows)
Restoring Content
Restoring Content
You can restore your content to any computer that meets the system requirements (see
“What do I need before I start?” on page 6), not just to the computer the content was backed
up from.
To restore files from more than one computer, simply repeat the restore process choosing a
different computer each time.
You can choose whether to restore all or just selected content, and where the content is
restored to – or you can allow Clickfree to make the choices for you.
If you don’t change any options, Clickfree restores all of the content that was backed up, and
puts it in the same folders on your computer that it was backed up from.
If you are restoring over files of the same name, Clickfree will warn you and ask permission
to overwrite these files on the computer with the ones on the Clickfree Wireless. [[We
should double check that this is actually happening. I’ve yet to see this kind of
warning]].Alternatively, you can restore your files to a different location on your computer
so they don’t overwrite any existing files.
1. Double-click the Clickfree icon on the desktop (or click once on the icon in the system
If you are restoring content to a new computer that has never been connected to the
Clickfree Wireless, plug the Clickfree Wireless in to your new computer.
2. In the Welcome window, click Restore.
3. Look at the computer name in the Restore From box:
If your Clickfree Wireless contains backups created on the computer that you are using,
the Restore From box contains the name of this computer, and, unless you change it, the
content to be restored will come from this computer’s backup. The drop-down list
contains the names of all of the computers that have been backed up on your Clickfree
Click the arrow at the right of the Restore From box and select the name of the computer
whose content you want to restore to this computer:
Copyright © 2010 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree Wireless Backup (Windows)
Restoring Content
4. All categories that contain files on the selected backup are selected.
If you just want to restore everything that was backed up, click Next.
If there are any categories that you do not want to restore, click the check box to
clear it. If a category does not have a check box, that means that there are no files for
that category on the selected backup.
When a category is selected or deselected, all of the file types that make up that
category are also selected or deselected. To restore individual files within a
category, click the category name and then select the files to be restored.
To locate particular files to be restored, click the Browse Files tab or the Search
Files tab (see “Browsing or searching for files, or viewing photos” on page 15 or
“How do I search for a file on my backup?” on page 15). Select the files to be
When you are finished selecting files, click Next.
5. On the Select Location to Restore Files window, indicate where to restore the content.
To restore the content to its original location, leave Clickfree will automatically
restore my files to their original location selected.
To restore the content to a different location, click I will choose a specific location
to restore my files to.
Choose a disk drive (if you have more than one). If any drive does not have
enough space for the content to be restored, the drive letter and free space are
The folder that will be used is shown below the drives. Optionally, choose a different
folder. Click Choose Location to select (or create) the folder you want.
6. Click Start Restore.
7. If you are restoring files to somewhere other than the original locations, before it
overwrites an existing file on your computer with one of the same name from the
backed-up files, Clickfree asks if you want to replace the existing file with the same-
name file from the backup. You can choose to:
Keep both copies of this one file – click Keep Both. Clickfree renames the backed-up
file by adding ‘ (2)’ to the end of the file name, then restores the renamed file.
Keep both copies of all same-name files – check Do this for all duplicate files and
click Keep Both. Clickfree renames the remaining backed-up files by adding ‘ (2)’ to
the ends of the file names, then restores the renamed files.
Not replace this one file – click Skip
Not replace any same-name files – check Do this for all duplicate files and click
Skip. Clickfree skips all remaining same-name files without asking you.
Replace just this file – click Replace
Copyright © 2010 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree Wireless Backup (Windows)
Restoring Content
Replace all same-name files – check Do this for all duplicate files and click Replace.
Clickfree replaces all remaining same-name files without asking you.
If two files have the same size (KB) and same date modified, it is likely to be safe to
If you skipped any files during a restore, the Restore Complete window has an
Exceptions link at the bottom left. Click the link to see a list of the files that were not
After a restore, Clickfree gives you the chance to undo the restore. If you want to
undo, see “How do I undo a restore?” on page 13.
Your content has not been deleted from your Clickfree backup: it is still safe on the
Clickfree Wireless.
If Clickfree restored your files to a folder that was not their original location, Clickfree puts an
icon on your desktop so that you can quickly and easily get to the restored content:
Double-click the icon to open Windows Explorer to the folder where your content was
restored. You can now use Explorer to move the files to a more convenient folder.
Some programs expect to find their files in a particular folder. If you restore files to a folder
other than the original location, your program may not be able to find them.
If your program displays an error message telling you that it cannot find its files, or if the
program starts up but your data is missing, you will need to move the files to the proper
Unfortunately, this is different for every application and you may need to consult the
program’s online help or user guide to find out where the files need to be moved to.
If you realize, after restoring your files, that the restore accidentally overwrote a file you
need to keep, Clickfree allows you to undo the latest restore.
1. Double-click the icon on the desktop (or click once on the icon in the system tray).
Copyright © 2010 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree Wireless Backup (Windows)
Restoring Content
2. In the Welcome window, click Do More, then click Options.
3. Click the Restore tab.
4. Click Undo Restore.
5. Click Start.
The latest restore is undone. To see what files were replaced by undoing the restore, click
Click here to view undo log.
Copyright © 2010 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree Wireless Backup (Windows)
Viewing Backed Up Files
Viewing Backed Up Files
1. Double-click the icon on the desktop (or click once on the icon in the system tray).
2. In the Welcome window, click Do More, then click Viewer.
3. The Backup Summary window is displayed.
4. In the Current PC box select the name of the computer whose files you want to view.
5. Do one of the following:
To view the files on the backup, click the Browse Files tab, then expand and collapse
the folders on the left side of the window.
To search for a file on the backup, see ”How do I search for a file on my backup?”
on page 15.
To view photos, see “How do I view and use photos?” on page 16.
1. On the Backup Summary window, click a category (other than Photos or Music), or click
the Search Files tab.
If you clicked a category name, the File Type is already filled in, and all files of that
category, regardless of File Date or File Name, are displayed.
2. Enter search factors to find the files you want. Use the combination of File Type, File
Date, and File Name that you think should match the file(s) you want to find.
These selections are combined so that only files that match all of them are found – in this
case only files in the category All Others, and created/last changed within the last year,
and with names ending with ‘tmp’.
File Type – select a category, or ‘Any’ if you want all categories to be searched
File Date – select the time period within which the files were created or changed, or
‘All’ if you want the date to be ignored
File Name – type a “mask” to select files. A blank file name matches all files.
3. Click Search.
Files that match all of your search factors are displayed.
For more actions, see “What can I do with the files on my backup?” below.
Copyright © 2010 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree Wireless Backup (Windows)
Viewing Backed Up Files
When you have files displayed in the browse or search or photo view windows, you can
Double-click a file to open it with the program that your computer normally uses for
files of this type.
Right-click a file and choose:
Open -– to open the file with the program that your computer normally uses for
files of this type
Open with (not for photos in the View Photos window) –- to choose the program
that you want Windows to use to open the file
Restore file to your computer -– to restore that file to a location you choose.
Restore file to original location – to restore that file to its original location.
Delete selected files from the backup – to delete files from this backup and
optionally exclude them from future backups.
Print this picture (only for photos in the View Photos window) – takes you to the
same Print Style window as you see when you click Print @ Home, but this time to
print only one photo.
1. On the Backup Summary [[Opening it from Viewer makes more sense]] window, click
the Photos tab. The photo viewer shows “thumbnails”, or miniature views of your
photos and videos.
2. To select one or more photos, click the photo so that the check box at the top right is
selected. As you continue to click photos, they are added to the selection.
3. Do one of the following:
To use a photo as wallpaper for your computer desktop, click the photo (only one
photo can be selected), then click Wallpaper. The chosen photo becomes your
computer Wallpaper.
To print photos, select the photos, then click Print @ Home and select the Print Style.
Set the Printer Options, then click Print.
To share photos on Facebook or Myspace, select the photos then click Share Photos.
Click facebook or and log in.
To email photos (if you use Outlook or Outlook Express for your email), select the
photos, then click Email. Your email program opens a new blank message with the
photos included as attachments. Address and send the message as you would
normally do.
For more actions, see “What can I do with the files on my backup?” on page 15.
Copyright © 2010 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree Wireless Backup (Windows)
Viewing Backed Up Files
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Will it back up software (programs)?
A: No. Clickfree focuses on backing up all personal user content.
Q: Does this copy all the files each time?
A: First backup copies all files, then subsequent backups are incremental only looking for
new or changed files.
Q: Can the ClickFree be password protected so only I can access the data?
A: No, Clickfree Wireless cannot be password protected.
Q: Will I be able to tell which computer the files came from?
A: After connection to computer, press the restore/transfer button at the bottom of the
countdown page. This takes you to the restore page. You can restore by file, category or all
files. It is amazingly easy.
Q: Will I be able to tell which computer the files came from?
A: Yes. The user interface has a drop down menu that separates all the computers backed
Q: Is this Mac compatible?
A: Yes. Mac 10.5 or newer, as long as it uses an Intel Processor.
Q: Will this work with Windows 95, 98 or ME (Millennium Edition)?
A: This does not support these older operating systems. They represent less than 5% of the
market. Clickfree Wireless only supports Windows XP (Service Pack 3), Windows Vista and
Copyright © 2010 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree Wireless Backup (Windows)
Viewing Backed Up Files
Windows 7.
Q: Will it work with Windows 7?
A: Yes, it's a great way to transfer data from old computer to new one.
Q: Will it work with 64-bit versions of Windows Vista & Windows 7?
A: Yes.
Q: If I bought a new Mac and had a PC previously can I move files from Windows to Mac
using the Clickfree?
A: Yes. You can move files from Windows to a Mac. You would then need to reconfigure the
Clickfree to back up the Mac information.
Q: If I bought a new PC (Windows) and previously used a Mac, can I move files from
Mac to Windows via the Clickfree?
A: No. You would need to clear all the files prior to hooking the Clickfree up to a Windows
based pc. Windows would not recognize the files from the Mac.
Q: Can you back up two computers with different operating systems on the same
A: Yes, even if they are a combination of Windows and Macs.
Q: Can I put both formats (Mac & PC) on the same Clickfree at same time?
A: Yes, even if they are a combination of Windows and Macs.
Q: Can a backed up computer be removed?
A: Yes. In the options section you can remove one, or all, computers.
Q: Where does the info on the Clickfree go when they download the files to a new
A: When files are transferred to a new computer, all files are put back into the original path
it was backed up from, regardless of operating system. The files will remain on the Clickfree
device until the customer removes them.
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Clickfree Wireless Backup (Windows)
Viewing Backed Up Files
Q: Will it transfer a virus?
A: No. Clickfree backs up files and filters them through the computers antivirus software.
Most viruses are executables, which Clickfree does not back up.
Q: If you have a virus quarantined, will it transfer?
A: No, Clickfree will avoid these files.
Q: Will this backup emails?
A: Yes. The email of all popular email clients are supported and will be backed up.
Q. Can I skip over files that I do not want backed up?
A. Yes. Backup is completely customer configurable. Everything can be modified within the
options menu.
Q: Can you tell what files are in each folder?
A: Yes. All files are open and easy to browse.
Q: Can user select which files to back up?
A: Yes. Backup is completely customer configurable. Everything can be modified within the
options menu.
Q: Can I transfer files from an external hard drive as a backup to a back up?
A: Yes, you can set up Clickfree to backup your external hard drive.
Q: If you are using the Clickfree for a business and you have personnel files, can
everyone see them?
A: Yes all files will be accessible.
Q: Is this a mechanical hard drive?
A: Yes. Similar to the hard drive contained within a notebook computer, this hard drive
contains moving parts. It is not flash memory or solid state drive.
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Clickfree Wireless Backup (Windows)
Viewing Backed Up Files
Q: If you download 2 different computers will the files merge?
A: No. They remain separate and easy to switch between the two computers.
Q: If there is a flash drive connected to the computer, can the ClickFree back it up?
A: Yes, you can set up Clickfree to backup flash drives connected to your computer.
Q: If a program crashes, can you just re-install one program or do you have to re-install
A: ClickFree does not back-up programs, just files. You would need to reinstall any lost
programs during a computer crash.
Q: If I use for payroll, will this automatically update?
A: Yes, ClickFree is set-up to back-up over 400 file types, if your payroll application is using
one of those file types such as .doc or .xls it will automatically back-up. However if your file
type is not one of the preinstalled file types, Clickfree can be configured by the customer to
add any extension if necessary in the options.
Q. Can this be used like an iPod?
A: Not exactly. You cannot plug headphones into it and listen to music, but you can plug
this into any PC and play your music collection from that PC if your music is stored on the
Q: Is there any way to use this on an older computer that does not have a USB
A: No. The first time you use Clickfree Wireless it needs to connect to a computer via a USB
Q: Is it safe to delete the files you backup off of your computer?
A: Not recommended. The idea is to always have 2 copies for real protection. If you only
have 1 copy you are in danger of losing them if the Clickfree is lost, dropped, stolen, etc.
Q: Can it be used for smartphones to back up files?
A: Only if your smartphone is already set to sync with a computer. You can then backup the
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Clickfree Wireless Backup (Windows)
Viewing Backed Up Files
smartphone files stored on that computer. You cannot go directly from smartphone to
ClickFree hard drive.
Q: Does it backup everything that came installed on my computer?
A: No, Clickfree will just backup your personal content such as pictures, music, email,
documents and videos. This is the stuff that cannot be replaced. Clickfree will not backup
the application, those are replaceable and can be re-installed.
Q: Can it be used for just backing up 1 or 2 files?
A: Yes. Backup is completely configurable if the customer chooses. Everything can be
modified within the options menu.
Q: Can you backup a computer on a network?
A: Yes, and you can backup a mapped network drive if you have one.
Q: Can you backup an external hard drive to the Clickfree?
A: Yes, you can set up Clickfree to backup your external hard drive.
Q: Will you be able to restore files backed up from a Vista computer to a Windows 7
A: Yes, Clickfree is one of the easiest ways to transfer files between operating systems.
Q: Will this work with the slower USB 1.1 connection?
A: Yes, but the transfer will be slower than using USB 2.0.
Q: How often do you recommend backing up your computer?
A: We recommend a few times a week for most people, or every day for business users.
Completely depends on how often edit or add new files to your computer. This is why
CLickfree Wireless has the great feature to schedule automatic backups.
Q: How does this differ from using a large capacity Flash Drive?
A: The flash drive doesn’t have any built-in software so the customer will have to find all
the relevant files (which can be spread all over the computer) then click and drag all files to
Copyright © 2010 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree Wireless Backup (Windows)
Viewing Backed Up Files
the Flash Drive, then remember what they backed up last time. Most people do this 2 or 3
times then quit because it is too inconvenient.
Q: Will this be compatible with the latest version of Internet Explorer?
A: Yes, we backup favorites from all versions of Internet Explorer.
Q: Will this backup Outlook files?
A: Yes we backup email, contacts and calendar information from all versions of Outlook.
Q: Will this backup MS-Excel and MS-Word files?
A: Yes.
Q: Will this backup Print Artist and Print Master files?
A: No. But you can add the file extensions in the Options, Change Settings section.
Q: Will this backup an iTunes library?
A: Yes.
Q: Will this back up Quicken files?
A: Yes.
Q: If I do a restore on my computer, will it delete my backup content on the Clickfree?
A: No. You can only delete information on the Clickfree if you explicitly tell Clickfree to
delete the files.
Q: If my computer is powered off and I turned the computer back on, will
it start to automatically backup information?
A: It will begin to back up information on the next scheduled time it is do to backup.
Q: What is the minimal amount of scheduled time I can set up to Clickfree to backup
Copyright © 2010 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree Wireless Backup (Windows)
Viewing Backed Up Files
A: The minimal amount is every 2 hours which is also the default schedule.
Q: How many PCs or Macs can I use the Clickfree on to back up?
A: Up to 20 PCs or 20 Macs.
Q: When first hooking up the Clickfree to my computer that has Windows Vista or
Windows 7, I get a question about wanting to recognize the device. What should I do?
A: This is a Windows Vista/Windows 7 feature and not prompted by the ClickFree. You
should say yes to recognize the ClickFree Device.
Q: Do I need to setup anything on my home router for the Clickfree Wireless device to
A: No. You just need to make sure that all your computers on the same network and file
sharing is enabled.
Q: Do I have to plug the CLICKFREE WIRELESS device to the router or my Windows and
MAC computer for the backup to work every time?
A: No. You only need to plug it in each Windows or MAC computers at the initial setup to
install wireless functionality. The first backup you take while the CLICKFREE WIRELESS is
directly connected to the computer will install wireless functionality (Backup Link). After
that, the CLICKFREE WIRELESS should be plugged into a wall power socket.
Q:What is the difference between the C2N model and CLICKFREE WIRELESS model?
The C2N model can backup all computers with the device plugged in on one of the
computers within the network. The CLICKFREE WIRELESS model is wireless i.e. it does not
have to be connected to any computer and you just need to plug it in the wall power socket
Q: I have a C2N, can I use CLICKFREE WIRELESS at the same time, e.g. both devices
known to my network and schedule the backup simultaneously?
A:Yes you can use both devices at the same time
Copyright © 2010 Storage Appliance Corporation.
Clickfree Wireless Backup (Windows)
Viewing Backed Up Files
Q:Can CLICKFREE WIRELESS backup and restore Windows and MAC computers?
A:Yes. You can backup/restore Windows and MAC computers at the same time with
Q:Do I need to use the electric adapter on the CLICKFREE WIRELESS device every time?
A:Yes. You need to plug the electric adapter all the time once the wireless functionality is
setup and this is a requirement. You do not need the electric adapter during the initial setup
since it will be directly connected to the computer.
Q:How do I know from the device that CLICKFREE WIRELESS is connected to the
A:The device will have a blue light at the bottom of the unit and this blue light indicates that
it is connected to the router. An orange light indicates that it is not connected to the router or
is still in the process of connecting to the router.
Q:Can I do data restore wirelessly on any computer?
A:Yes. Just invoke the restore/transfer from the Windows or MAC computer you need to
Q:Does this CLICKFREE WIRELESS only work with computers that have wireless, how
about locally network attached computers?
A: Yes, it works with both wireless computers and LAN connected computers connected by
Ethernet cables. The only requirement is that the LAN connected computers must connected
on the same network.
Copyright © 2010 Storage Appliance Corporation.
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